Want to start your own business? Your big chance could finally be here…

Whether you’re happy with the election results or not, it is certainly true that a new chapter is about to start for the British economy. Like a lot of people, you may well have been holding your breath to see what happens for some time now, and that may have included any plans you had for changing your career, or even striking out on your own.

However, we could now be entering one of the most stable periods the UK has seen in a very long time. Whatever you think of the new government, there’s unlikely to be quite the same level of change and uncertainty we’ve seen over the last 5 years, and stability is great for the economy. Not only for those already in business who are looking forward to a return to some semblance of normality, but for those looking to start their own business, too.

Could that be you?

Going into business for yourself is a huge deal, and never without risks. However, it’s not something you have to do alone!

The Eggless Cake Shop offers you a way to tap into a huge market offering products which are already in demand: delicious cakes! With their established business model, eye-catching brand, and fantastic reputation mean you can enjoy the kind of incredible start and ongoing growth most new business owners can only ever dream of.

However, an Eggless Cake Shop franchise doesn’t just give you a huge number of advantages over going it alone, but is even more accessible and affordable than starting any other retail or F&B business, too.

Only a small site required.
We recommend a minimum of just 800 sq ft. for your new shop, making prime locations with great footfall all that more affordable.

Only A1 zoning required.
An Eggless Cake Shop requires only regular retail shop zoning from local authorities, meaning you can easily take over an existing retail site without paying to have it reclassified, like you would with a restaurant.

No expensive equipment.
No cooking is done on site, so there’s no need for expensive equipment such as extractor fans or ovens, and none of the extra cost or legal requirements that come with them.

No expensive outfitting.
No tables and chairs, no customer toilets, no licensing fees. Just you, your cakes, and plenty of customers coming in and out all day!

So, why not take the opportunity a summer break gives you to find out more?

Can you believe we’re almost 2/3s of the way through 2024? However, there’s still plenty of time to put any plans you have in place before the end of the year.

I hope you’re planning to enjoy a well-deserved summer holiday, but this natural break in the year could also be a great chance for you to put the groundwork in place for how the rest of the year, and the next one, shapes up.

If you want to learn more about the Eggless Cake Shop franchise and how it could work for you, their website is a great place to start, of course, and you can also read any newsletters you missed on their blog page.

When you’ve finished your summer reading, the next step is to get in touch with me. I’m here to help with any questions that you have, and let you know how to take the next steps. Just click the button at the bottom of this email to schedule a call.